The ICTY has judged the crime as genocide and three men have pleaded guilty acknowledging their participation in the executions of more than 7,000 men and boys and the deportation of nearly 30,000 women and children. Even the Republika Srpska Government has finally accepted that Srebrenica was a crime carried out by its forces. Despite all proofs, denials about genocide, the numbers of victims or whether a crime was even committed, persist.
Beyond Reasonable Doubt, a documentary film produced by SENSE, examines evidence adduced from the judicial process. The film presents the testimony of victims, forensic experts and the confessions of several of the massacre’s perpetrators, side-by-side with the denials and revisionist interpretations that seek to minimize the scale of atrocity.
As a reminder of this tension, the poignant words of Telford Taylor, lead prosecutor at the Nuremberg Trial, open the film: “It is important to determine those incredible facts on the basis of clear and public evidence, so that no one could ever doubt that those were indeed the facts, rather than fabrications.”
The film presents the testimony of those who organized and perpetrated the killings and those who tried to cover it up - digging mass graves and reburying bodies, as well as the moving personal stories of Srebrenica survivors including Camila Omanovic, Hasan Nuhanovic and Osman Avdic.